2017 O'Brien Catalog HTML5
• The appropriate board size depends on weight, skill level, and volume of the board. The more you weigh, and the lower your skill level, the bigger the board you’ll need. • One liter of volume floats one kg weight. • In order to factor in your skill level, multiply your Skill Lever Factor x Your Weight in kilograms to get your recommended volume in liters. • 1 Lb. is approximately equal to .45 kg. • When in doubt, lean to the next board size up.
CALCULATING BOARD VOLUME: (Your Weight in lbs. X .45) x Skill Factor = Target Volume
SKILL FACTOR: Beginners = 2 Intermediate = 1.7 Advanced = 1.3
Example: You are a beginner and you weigh 195 lbs. (195 lbs. X .45) x2 (Skill Factor) = 175.5 Your board should have a minimum volume of 175.5 liters .
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